Health benefits of Red Korean Ginseng

Red Ginseng history – thousands of years of experience. The food component used in Korea, Japan, China, and other oriental countries for more than 4000 years.
Widely used in Oriental Traditional Medicine as an important component. Ginseng has a long oral tradition of being a plant with the ability to cure all human diseases.
In “The Book of Herbs by Shen Nung” or “The Divine Husbandman’s Materia Medica,” ginseng is described as important preparation for the “elixir of life” to produce eternal youth and immortality (Bae 1978). In the book is claimed that ginseng is a tonic for the five viscera, quells animal spirits, establishes the soul, allays fear, expels evil effluvia, brightens the eyes, opens up the heart, and benefits understanding (Bae 1978).
Thus, ginseng was believed to have not only physical effects on the body but metaphysical effects as well.
Ginseng is widely used in Korea, Japan, China, and other oriental countries traditionally for help Immunity support, fatigue reduction, blood circulation improvement, memory improvement, and in our days help with antioxidants action.
10 Health benefits of Red Korean Ginseng used in Oriental medicine.